Testing the air pollutant emissions from a boiler stack.

Particulate samples are being desiccated to constant weight.

Field staff undergo stringent training and practices enhancing their confidence and competency in delivering reliable results to our clients.

Source Emissions Test

ACNT Test Services is well equipped with the right configuration of isokinetic source sampling instrument capable of performing source emissions from any facilities including, boilers, dust collectors, incinerators, regenerative thermal oxidizers, electrostatic precipitators, and flue gas desulphurizer.

ACNT Test Services is supported by a strong team of engineers and technicians who have been trained and are competent in conducting source emission testing in accordance with USEPA Methodologies.

ACNT Test Services is an Accredited Testing Body sanctioned by NEA.

ACNT conducts customized training on isokinetic sampling both locally and overseas. Contact our trainer directly at 64655072 or email your enquiry to ngloonji@acnt.com.sg